Training courses

Investing in skilled staff is the beginning a journey of growth and innovation that can determine the success of a business. ASACERT provides training courses for many industries. Our professional courses are accredited and provided in collaboration with prestigious organisations and are characterised by the technical-scientific expertise of lecturers and for the learning methods based on the direct involvement of participants.
Training courses structured ad hoc, because every organization is different, as are the people who are part of it.
Available in-house or via webinar.

Soft skills

The soft skills topic is developing rapidly not only in the human resources sector, as they emerge whenever one is detached from purely operational and technical tasks.
In fact, it is important for all companies to have a transversal structuring in order to recognize and map the soft skills in individuals, who thus become resources, with the usual reliability, but with renewed applications and potential.

Alongside the technical and academic knowledge (hard skills), which a professional must have in order to carry out their work correctly and appropriately, soft skills are those skills that mainly concern the human and deep part of an individual and are among the most required skills to succeed in the world of work.

Team Building

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Effective Communication

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Assertive communication

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Leader and Leadership

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Cognitive development

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Emotional intelligence

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Nonverbal communication

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Public speaking

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Management Systems

ASACERT provides the various skills acquired in the field by its technicians, organizing highly qualified training courses, aimed at sector managers, professionals and technicians, who operate in most strategic sectors: energy , quality, environmental and occupational health and safety management systems, construction products.

Each course is structured according to the needs of the participants and carried out through a modular path.
At the end of the training process there is a final evaluation: passing it allows you to achieve professional qualifications and specific educational qualifications recognized throughout the world.


Being resilient means adapting to possible future changes or those already in place, having the ability to move forward and access new resources, facing events in a positive way and reorganizing oneself, perhaps in a way unknown before the event.

Risk management and the safeguarding of business continuity play an increasingly important role for companies and the emergency situation in recent months has further demonstrated how resilience is the calibrated result of the implementation of the principles of Risk Management & Business Continuity.
ASACERT offers a cycle of webinars that aims to provide the basic elements for the application and maintenance of an excellent management and organizational system, which ensures maximum performance, minimizing the risk even in times of extraordinary difficulty.

Post lockdown phase: organizations go into analysis

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Agile and resilient organizations are needed: SUPPLY CHAIN

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Agile and resilient organizations are needed: FINANCE

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Agile and resilient organizations are needed: CYBER SECURITY

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Agile and resilient organizations are needed: HUMAN RESOURCES

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Course on Production Control of Ready-mix Concrete

The course aims to illustrate the contents of the current laws relating to the adaptation of the production of ready-mixed concrete to an industrialized process.
It provides the necessary knowledge for the preparation, application and verification of a Factory Production Control System, for each batching plant, which provides evidence of the ability to consistently and regularly produce and supply a quality product that complies with the applicable requirements.

Course on construction materials (technical standards for construction Ministerial Decree 14/01/2008)

The course aims to provide participants with basic information on the 89/106/EEC European Directive, the CE marking and the documents accompanying construction products, as well as those relating to materials and products for structural use in application of the Directive and the prescriptions of the DM January 14, 2008 (Technical Standards for Construction).

Course on Factory Production Control (FPC) of a steel processing center for construction

The course aims to provide participants with basic information on the 89/106/EEC European Directive, the CE marking and the documents accompanying construction products, as well as those relating to materials and products for structural use in application of the Directive and the prescriptions of the DM January 14, 2008 (Technical Standards for Construction).

Course on EU Regulation 305/2011 on construction products

The course aims to illustrate the contents of the new Regulation for the trading of Construction products n. 305/2011.
It provides the necessary knowledge on the innovations introduced in relation to the procedure for CE marking and the type of documents that accompany construction products starting from 1 July 2013.
The course also provides basic information to manage the certification processes of new products and the transition from a management of the CE marking, applied according to Directive 89/106/EEC, to that based on Regulation 305/2011.

Course for Inspectors of Technical Control during the construction process for Civil Works

The course aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge on the technical control activity during construction, through the analysis of the reference regulatory framework, the illustration of the methodologies and tools commonly used in carrying out inspection activities, the methods of managing the relationship between the various interlocutors (public administration officials, professionals, insurance companies and inspection bodies).
In addition, the advantages and quality guarantees of the technical control activity will be illustrated through the presentation of experiences and case studies.

Course for Design assessment inspectors

The course aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge of the project assessment, through the analysis of the reference regulatory framework, the illustration of the methodologies and tools commonly used in carrying out the verification activities, the methods of interaction between public and private operators of the “project system” to promote a positive and productive development of the relationship between public administration officials, professionals and inspection bodies. In addition, the advantages and ideas for improvement of the validation activity will be illustrated through the presentation of experiences and case studies.

Course on Technical Standards for Construction D.M. 14/01/2008

The course aims to illustrate the contents of the current laws relating to the new design approach, with particular reference to the earthquake behavior of the structures and the assessment of the safety of existing buildings. It provides designers with those tools, specific to the limit state method, which allow to identify the efficient geometry of both the elements and the structural complex, so as to allow an effective use of the calculation programs.

Course on the Safety of Existing Buildings through Investigations in Works D.M. 14/01/2008

The course aims to provide and increase the technical skills of the participants with technical-operational knowledge necessary to be able to carry out checks on buildings in progress or existing, operating according to the procedures (tools and rules) provided for by technical regulations and legislation in force and to disseminate this knowledge among operators (designers, construction managers, construction companies, manufacturers of building materials, etc.).

Coming soon

Courses that will be available soon for which it is already possible to make a request.
Also available in webinar version.


  • LEED, BREEAM, WELL building site management
  • LEED, BREEAM, WELL building site materials
  • Minimum Environmental Criteria from the point of view of Public Administrations
  • Residential LEED for construction promoters and developers

  • BIM Process for customers

Request more info

Call 800 032870 from Monday to Friday from 9 AM to 6 PM
or fill the form and we will contact you.

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    Soft SkillsCorsi AuditorSostenibilitàResilienzaCostruzioniSicurezzaGDPRAltro