Ponte San Giorgio (ex Ponte Morandi) – Genoa
PERGENOVA S.C.p.A has entrusted ASACERT with the task of carrying out the technical control activity during construction in relation to the construction of the new Ponte San Giorgio (formerly Ponte Morandi) designed by the famous Genoese architect, Renzo Piano. It was August 14, 2018 and a section of the viaduct over the Polcevera stream, known as Ponte Morandi, collapsed causing the death of 43 people. Inaugurated in ’67, it served to connect the A10 (Genoa – Ventimiglia) with the A7 (Milan – Genoa), a crucial point for the city of Genoa, for which the need for reconstruction immediately emerged.
The new bridge, a concentration of design, eco-sustainability and avant-garde, is made up of a steel deck, with a continuous girder with a total length of 1067 meters made up of 19 spans, and is supported by 18 reinforced concrete piers with an elliptical section constant shape at 40 meters high. The deck made of a mixed steel-concrete structure rests on the piers. It is equipped with robotic and sensor automation systems for infrastructural control and maintenance; there is also a special dehumidification system to avoid the formation of salt condensation and limit corrosion damage.
The environmental impact will be limited thanks to the photovoltaic panels, which will produce the energy necessary for the operation of its systems (lighting, sensors, systems) both at night and during the day.
ASACERT has the delicate and crucial task of verifying the quality of the project and the works, also through risk monitoring and also assisting with the testing. All preparatory activities for the purpose of issuing the Posthumous Ten-Year Policy.
Specifically, the objectives of the Technical Control carried out by ASACERT expert technicians are:
- Assess the risk associated with insurance coverage with reference to possible events of partial or total ruin of the works and serious construction defects;
- Obtain adequate guarantees regarding the achievement of the quality levels set by the Client, by the rules and technical standards in force applicable to the project;
- Minimize unwanted risks of non-quality;
- Ensure adequate durability and maintainability of the works to be carried out.
At the end of the control activity, ASACERT expressed a positive opinion through the specific Final Report. The San Giorgio Bridge was inaugurated on 3 August 2020.