Periodic inspections of equipment
Material lifting, material lifting equipment, non-hand operated, and centrifugal force hydroextractors
WORK FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: article 71 Leg. 81/08 and DM 11 April 2011
Legislative Decree no. 81/08 (Safety Consolidation Act), in Art. 71, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 106/09, stipulates that the employer must provide workers with equipment suitable for health and safety purposes and appropriate for the work to be performed. The employer must take the necessary measures to ensure that the equipment is installed and used in accordance with the operating instructions and is properly maintained to ensure that safety requirements remain in place over time. Art. 71 Paragraph 11 also stipulates that the employer must subject the equipment to periodic inspections to assess the actual state of preservation and effectiveness for safety purposes of the same equipment. Annexes V and VII of the Safety Consolidation Act regulate the safety requirements applicable to work equipment and the periodicity of implementation of periodic inspections broken down by type of equipment, respectively. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy dated April 11, 2011 (Published in OJ no. 98 of April 29, 2011), which came into effect on May 24, 2012, established the procedures for conducting periodic inspections and the criteria for the licensing of private entities licensed under Art. 71, Paragraph 13 of 81/08. By Executive Decree of Dec. 19, 2012, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, in consultation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Development, included ASACERT s.r.l. in the list of entities authorized to carry out the periodic inspections referred to in In Art. 71, Paragraph 11 of Legislative Decree. 81/08 and
At least 60 days before the deadline for the performance of the first of the periodic inspections established in Annex VII of Leg. n. 81/08, the employer must request the territorially competent INAIL to perform the first of the periodic inspections. At the time of the request for verification, the employer must indicate the name of the qualified person whom INAIL may use if it is unable to carry out the verification directly within 60 days. The employer will identify that name from those on a list made available and prepared by the relevant regional directorates of INAIL.
With the periodicity stipulated in Annex VII of Leg. 81/08 and at least 30 days before the expiration of the relevant deadline, the employer must request ARPA/ASL to carry out the periodic inspections. At the time of the request for verification, the employer must indicate the name of the authorized person whose services the ARPA/ASL may use if it is unable to carry out the verification directly within 30 days. The employer shall identify such an appointee from those on a special regional list. Below is a flow chart illustrating the actions to be taken by the Employer.
Equipment that must undergo periodic verification is divided into three main groups, which are explained below:
SC Group – Material lifting equipment and centrifugal force hydroextractors:
Group SP – Equipment for lifting people:
GVR Group – Gas, Steam, Heating and Pressure Equipment Group:
Material lifting, material lifting equipment, non-hand operated, and centrifugal force hydroextractors
- Transferable Crane – Transferable material lifting equipment with a capacity of more than 200Kg
- Mobile crane – Mobile material lifting equipment with a capacity of more than 200Kg
- Fixed Capacity Cranes – Fixed material lifting equipment with a capacity of more than 200Kg
- Self-propelled carts – Self-propelled carts with telescopic arm Fixed or Swivel
- Hydroextractors – Centrifugal force hydroextractors
- Suspension Bridges – Suspension bridges and related winches
- Mobile Bridges – Developable movable bridges on a hand-operated vertical development wagon
- Motorized Baskets – Movable decks developable on motorized drive carriage
- Aerial ladders – Aerial ladders with variable inclination
- Elevating Platforms – Self-Erecting Work Platforms on Columns
- Elevators and Hoists – Self-Erecting Work Platforms on Columns
- Furnaces – Furnaces for chemical and allied industries
- Heat generators – Heat generators powered by solid, liquid or gaseous fuel
- Pipes – Pipes containing gases, vapors and liquids
- Superheated water generators – Superheated water generators
- Water vapor generators – Water vapor generators
- Pressure Vessels – Vessels containing fluids with pressure > of 0.5 bar
WORK FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT: article 71 Leg. 81/08 and DM 11 April 2011
Legislative Decree no. 81/08 (Safety Consolidation Act), in Art. 71, as amended by Legislative Decree no. 106/09, stipulates that the employer must provide workers with equipment suitable for health and safety purposes and appropriate for the work to be performed. The employer must take the necessary measures to ensure that the equipment is installed and used in accordance with the operating instructions and is properly maintained to ensure that safety requirements remain in place over time. Art. 71 Paragraph 11 also stipulates that the employer must subject the equipment to periodic inspections to assess the actual state of preservation and effectiveness for safety purposes of the same equipment. Annexes V and VII of the Safety Consolidation Act regulate the safety requirements applicable to work equipment and the periodicity of implementation of periodic inspections broken down by type of equipment, respectively. By Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy dated April 11, 2011 (Published in OJ no. 98 of April 29, 2011), which came into effect on May 24, 2012, established the procedures for conducting periodic inspections and the criteria for the licensing of private entities licensed under Art. 71, Paragraph 13 of 81/08. By Executive Decree of Dec. 19, 2012, the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy, in consultation with the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Economic Development, included ASACERT s.r.l. in the list of entities authorized to carry out the periodic inspections referred to in In Art. 71, Paragraph 11 of Legislative Decree. 81/08 and
At least 60 days before the deadline for the performance of the first of the periodic inspections established in Annex VII of Leg. n. 81/08, the employer must request the territorially competent INAIL to perform the first of the periodic inspections. At the time of the request for verification, the employer must indicate the name of the qualified person whom INAIL may use if it is unable to carry out the verification directly within 60 days. The employer will identify that name from those on a list made available and prepared by the relevant regional directorates of INAIL.
With the periodicity stipulated in Annex VII of Leg. 81/08 and at least 30 days before the expiration of the relevant deadline, the employer must request ARPA/ASL to carry out the periodic inspections. At the time of the request for verification, the employer must indicate the name of the authorized person whose services the ARPA/ASL may use if it is unable to carry out the verification directly within 30 days. The employer shall identify such an appointee from those on a special regional list. Below is a flow chart illustrating the actions to be taken by the Employer.

Equipment that must undergo periodic verification is divided into three main groups, which are explained below:
SC Group – Material lifting equipment and centrifugal force hydroextractors:
- Self-propelled trolley with telescopic arm (fixed or swivel arm);
- Fixed capacity cranes (bridge, jib, gantry, …);
- Mobile crane (truck-mounted crane, truck-mounted crane, …);
- Transferable crane (tower, …);
- Hydroextractor (continuous charge, discontinuous charge, …);
Group SP – Equipment for lifting people:
- Construction site elevators and freight elevators;
- Self-lifting work platform on column;
- Developable movable bridge;
- Motorized suspended scaffold;
- Aerial ladder with variable inclination;
GVR Group – Gas, Steam, Heating and Pressure Equipment Group:
- Receptacles containing fluids with pressure greater than 0.5 bar;
- Water vapor generators;
- Superheated water generators;
- Pipes containing gas vapors and liquids;
- Heat generators fired by solid, liquid or gaseous fuel for central heating systems using pressurized hot water with water temperature not exceeding the boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure, having overall firebox capacities exceeding 116 kW);
- Assemblies (pressure equipment assemblies)
Equipment | Intervention/Periodicity |
Variable tilt aerial ladders | Annual verification |
Developable movable bridges on motorized drive wagon | Annual verification |
Developable movable bridges on a vertically developed and hand-operated wagon | Biennial verification |
Suspension bridges and related winches | Biennial verification |
Centrifugal force hydroextractors of discontinuous type with diameter x rpm > 450 (m x rpm) | Biennial verification |
Continuous-type centrifugal force hydroextractors with diameter x rpm > 450 (m x rpm) | Triennial verification |
Centrifugal force hydroextractors operating with flammable solvents or such as to give rise to explosive or unstable mixtures, having tundish outside diameter greater than 500 mm | Annual verification |
Lifting apparatus with a capacity of more than 200 kg materials of mobile or transferable type, operating in particular areas of use such as: construction, steel, port, mining | Annual verification |
Lifting apparatus exceeding 200 kg material capacity of mobile or transferable type, operating in other sectors, with year of manufacture not older than 10 years | Biennial verification |
Lifting apparatus exceeding 200 kg material capacity of mobile or transferable type, operating in other sectors, with year of manufacture before 10 years | Annual verification |
Lifting apparatus with capacity exceeding 200 kg materials of fixed type, operating in particular areas of use such as: construction, steel, port, mining, with year of manufacture before 10 years | Annual verification |
Lifting apparatus with capacity exceeding 200 kg materials of fixed type, operating in particular areas of use such as: construction, steel, port, mining, with year of manufacture not older than 10 years | Biennial verification |
Lifting apparatus over 200 kg material capacity of fixed type, operating in other industries, with year of manufacture before 10 years | Biennial verification |
Lifting apparatus exceeding 200 kg material capacity of fixed type, operating in other sectors, with year of manufacture not earlier than 10 years | Triennial verification |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 1 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Receptacles/assemblies classified in categories III and IV, receptacles containing unstable gases belonging to categories I to IV, furnaces for chemical and related industries, generators and receptacles for superheated liquids other than water | Operational verification: every two years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 1 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Receptacles/assemblies classified in I and II categories | Operational verification: every four years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 1 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Pipes for superheated gases, vapors and liquids in category I, II and III | Operational verification: every five years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 1 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Pipes for liquids classified in category I, II and III | Operational verification: every five years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 1 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Receptacles for liquids belonging to categories I, II and III. | Operational verification: every five years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 2 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Vessels/assemblies containing compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases or vapors other than water vapor classified in categories III and IV and water vapor and superheated water vessels belonging to categories I to IV | Operational verification: triennial Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 2 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Receptacles/assemblies containing compressed, liquefied and dissolved gases or vapors other than water vapor classified in Category I and II | Operational verification: every four years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 2 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Water vapor generators | Operational verification: every two years Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 2) fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Gases, vapors, and superheated liquids pipes classified in category III, having TS <= 350 °C | Integrity verification: decennial |
Equipment/assemblies containing group 2 fluids (Legislative Decree 93/2000 Art. 3) Pipes gases, vapors and superheated liquids classified in category III, having TS > 350 °C | Operational verification: every five years Integrity verification: decennial |
Heat generators fired by solid, liquid, or gaseous fuel for central heating systems using pressurized hot water with water temperature not exceeding boiling temperature at atmospheric pressure, having overall firebox capacities exceeding 116 kW |