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EU Regulation 333/2011 "end of waste" on scrap metal

Following the issuance of EU Regulation 333/2011 – so called “End of Waste” (E.o.W.) – on “criteria determining when certain types of scrap metal cease to be waste under Directive 2008/98/EC” (in OJ. L 94/2 of 08/04/11), the European Community has defined the rules by which iron, steel and aluminum scrap, including aluminum alloy scrap, may be considered “Non-Waste” and through the definition of proper recycling and recovery procedures, be classified as “Secondary Raw Material (PSM)” or “New Product” in anticipation of their reuse.

Regarding the E.o.W. procedures of scrap metal, please note that the provisions of the Regulations have been operational since Oct. 9, 2011, and apply to all companies conducting scrap metal recovery operations and not to primary producers of such waste. In order to be able to generate products (formerly MPS) and not waste, as of October 9, 2011, all facilities, whether operating under a regular permit or under a simplified procedure, will have to comply with the requirements of the Regulations.

The main obligations of scrap metal producers, aimed at demonstrating compliance with the criteria set forth in the EU Regulations, include:

  • The adoption of a quality management system that includes acceptance control of the waste used, monitoring of treatment processes and techniques, monitoring of the quality of scrap metal obtained, and the effectiveness of radiation monitoring
  • The preparation and systematic use of a declaration of conformity for products generated by waste recovery (prepared for each batch of scrap and forwarded by the producer to the next holder)
  • The qualification and training of personnel in charge of the inspection and evaluation of scrap metal characteristics, including radiometric surveillance
  • The request for the issuance of the Certificate of Compliance with the Regulations to a Conformity Assessment Body referred to in the Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008
  • The Quality Management System must be audited every three years by an Independent Third Party Body.

ASACERT, as a recognized body under the Regulation (EC) No. 765/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 9 July 2008, is among the Bodies that can issue the Attestation declaring that the company’s quality management system, prepared in accordance with the Regulation (EU) No. 333/2011, complies with its requirements.