The management and all ASACERT staff are committed to impartiality in certification, inspection and evaluation activities. ASACERT gestisce eventuali conflitti di interesse e garantisce l’obiettività delle attività svolte dal personale sia interno sia esterno che opera in nome e per conto di ASACERT. Tutte le possibili fonti da cui può derivare un eventuale conflitto di interessi sono state individuate all’origine ed eliminate; se non previste, vengono segnalate direttamente dagli operatori come forma di prevenzione. Allo stesso modo, ASACERT non intrattiene rapporti commerciali e/o di altra natura che possano alterarne l’imparzialità.
Relationships that may be sources of potential threats to impartiality may arise from factors such as:
- the property
- administration
- the staff employed in the organization
- financial resources
- the sale of services
- marketing activities
- economic/commercial relationships
- other
To manage the potential threats mentioned above, the risk assessments and the ASACERT management system have identified control actions that have been put in place to eliminate any possible source of conflict of interest or threats to impartiality.
The main actions implemented by ASACERT are:
- all internal and external functions sign a commitment to manage conflicts of interest
- in the service provision process there are various filters, i.e. different resources, which carry out compliance control activities of the processes in progress
- practical review activities and decisions are carried out by personnel who have absolutely no part in the verification activities
- the involvement of Interested Parties who have the right to access information regarding ASACERT’s activities
In addition to the above, the absolute prohibition of:
- carry out direct or indirect consultancy activities
- offer various services for commercial use to client organisations
- associate the ASACERT name and logo with activities that promote favors and advantages in the certification, inspection and evaluation process
Interested parties are guaranteed the possibility to request information on the management of the certification, inspection and impartial evaluation process through the information on the site
ASACERT identifies and solicits the involvement of the main or all possible stakeholders. Interested parties may include representatives from:
- customers of client organizations
- representatives of industrial and trade associations
- representatives of government supervisory bodies
- representatives of other public bodies
government - representatives of public non-governmental structures
- representatives of consumer organizations
- representatives of trade associations
- representatives of other bodies, associations and organizations
Interested parties can request information at regarding the procedures put in place to guarantee impartiality in the ASACERT certification, inspection and evaluation process and their functioning, with reference, for example, to:
- Status of accredited and non-accredited certification, inspection and assessment activities and schemes
- Progress of certifications, inspections and assessments
- Results of internal audits
- Results of management reviews
- Results of the audits of the Accreditation Bodies
- Results of the periodic assessment of risks to impartiality
- Rates
It will be the responsibility of the ASACERT Management to respond to each request in a timely manner and in order to confirm the absolute impartiality of the certification, inspection and evaluation activities, in compliance with the applicable legislation on data protection.